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Unfortunately, no. You can only use one Digital Fasting voucher code at a time per purchase. If you want to use both the gift card and the coupon, we recommend applying the coupon first.
Yes. Discount codes and exclusive deals will continue to be made available by Digital Fasting in the future for the satisfaction of customers. When it comes to discounts and special offers, Digital Fasting is among the most sought-after brands.
Digital Fasting offers free shipping. Take advantage of it this November and have fun saving more money. On the other hand, free shipping is great for all orders over $100. This discount is only good for a limited time, so, cheers to more happy shopping spree.
Digital Fasting is happy to assist you with any questions or concerns. Their goal is to provide the top customer service possible. If they don't pick up right away, please leave them a message at digitalfastingchallenge.com, and they will assist you right away.
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