
Birthstones: What are They and the Special Meaning

Women’s day is approaching, and people are rushing to buy gifts for their special someone. It is said that a woman’s best friend is a diamond. But not everyone could afford to buy a diamond. James Avery offers gemstone jewelry that is not just elegant but also affordable. Match them up with a James Avery coupon, and you will save a lot while giving your loved ones the most thoughtful gift. How do you select the best type of gemstone, you ask? Why not choose their birthstone? There is nothing more thoughtful than receiving jewelry on International Women’s Day that has been specially picked for you. 

A birthstone is a gemstone that is connected to a person’s birth date. Such birthstones are thought to bring luck and good health when worn. Many cultures used to link births that took place during each zodiac sign to a specific gemstone, but over time, this tradition was replaced by the use of calendar months. Here is the list of birthstones and their meanings:

January – Garnet

Garnet, the birthstone for January, is said to protect its wearer while they are traveling. Due to the gem’s resemblance to the color and shape of a pomegranate seed, the word “garnet” is derived from a term that means “seed.”

February Birthstone – Amethyst

In ancient Rome, wearing this stone was thought to keep the wearer calm and sober. The gem represents tranquility and peace.

March – aquamarine

Aquamarine, the traditional birthstone for March, was used as a nautical ornament due to the ancient belief that it protects seafarers by allowing them to vividly remember their loved ones while they are far away at sea. Aquamarine encourages courage, self-expression, creativity, and hope. Wear this gemstone to encourage romance, youth, health, and general happiness. Aquamarine has historically helped expectant mothers by protecting both the mother and the unborn child. So if you want to send a special gift to your mother this Women’s Day, why not choose an aquamarine?

April Birthstone – Diamond

This stone, which symbolizes rebirth, is worn because it is thought to bestow wisdom, good fortune, and youth on the wearer. Some individuals think that wearing an emerald will bestow patience, growth, and wisdom. The ability to reveal true love is another reason why it is highly valued. 

Emerald (May)

Cleopatra loved gems, and the birthstone for May is emerald. It has a very long history of being connected to love, rebirth, and fertility. The ancient Romans even made Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, the recipient of this stone’s dedication. These days, emeralds are thought to stand for wisdom, growth, and patience.

June- Pearl

Pearls are traditionally worn on June birthdays to represent modesty and purity. Pearls control anger and guard against nervous and anxious thoughts. In terms of medicine, pearls can ease childbirth pain, boost fertility, and treat digestive issues. June is also associated with alexandrite. It is on par with ruby, one of the most sought-after gemstones. Disorders of the pancreas, spleen and nervous system are all treated by this gemstone.

July Birthstone – Ruby

It is said that rubies stimulate the senses, arouse the imagination, and promise prosperity and love success. Ruby is thought to protect against all kinds of misfortunes and aid in enlightenment for the wearer.

August – Peridot

Peridot, the birthstone for August, stands for strength. The green peridot crystals found in volcanic ashes were once believed to be the tears of Pele, the volcano goddess. It is sometimes called the “evening emerald” due to its pale green hue. This gem was thought to ward off nightmares when set in gold.

September- Saphire

The magnificent sapphire gemstone is said to symbolize truth and protection for those born in September. Everyone who wears a blue sapphire gemstone will succeed. Sapphires ease pain and show the wearer to be pure, wise, obedient, and loyal. Sapphires are reputed to be effective in treating excessive bleeding and blood disorders.

October Birthstone – Opal

Opal has long been associated with hope, purity, and innocence. It was claimed that wearing it would improve the wearer’s vision. Furthermore, it was thought to ward off evil spirits and favor children, entertainment, friendships, and emotions. 

November Topaz

The topaz birthstone for November is a representation of adoration and love. It is thought to increase the wearer’s strength and intelligence.

December- Zircon

Zircon brings wealth, wisdom, and honor to those who are born in December. Turquoise is also connected to December and is said to bring happiness and luck to those who wear it. Due to the gemstone’s ability to change color, wearing turquoise used to be a sign of danger or ill health. Topaz promotes wellness and shields against headaches. The December birthstones are all regarded as having healing qualities.

Now that you know the meaning of your and your loved ones’ birthstones, buy a piece of jewelry to give them this Christmas at James Avery. We have a special selection of colored gemstone jewelry that you can wear to flaunt your birthstone and let the world know who you are.

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